
763649052907 seagate backup plus ultra slim 2tb srd00f1
763649052907 seagate backup plus ultra slim 2tb srd00f1

763649052907 seagate backup plus ultra slim 2tb srd00f1

Using the company's latest 7mm 2.5” HDD technology, the Ultra Slim follows the Backup Plus Slim Drive, offering the same generous 2TB in storage capacity but in an even thinner form factor at just 9.6mm in overall thickness. The Ultra Slim was announced in January of this year and touted as one the thinnest 2TB portable hard drives on the market. This domain name will potentially help you bring in more customers and profits every day, as the domain itself goes up in value.Comprised of a variety of different sizes and designs, the Seagate Backup Plus family is the company’s line of portable storage solutions focused on capacity, performance, and portability. Com domain name from means instant branding, search engine, and marketing benefits. We make it safe, easy and affordable for you to own right away.

763649052907 seagate backup plus ultra slim 2tb srd00f1

Click here to purchase ĭ domains are carefully selected for branding excellence by the world's top domain name appraisers, so you will only find the most prized and premium assets for sale. Review the Microsoft study proving this phenomenon: "Domain Bias in Web Search" If the value of one new lifelong customer and its references makes up for the domain cost, imagine how a great domain from will benefit when it helps you attract multitudes of unexpected new customers (whose value far surpasses the domain value, which keeps rising). This domain is offered for sale by its owner currently at the "buy it now" price listed "BIN" Click here to purchase, but could be withdrawn at any time or its price potentially substantially raised. Also, once sold, the next owner, your domain competitor, would likely never re-sell it again, especially to his competitor and would instead try to take all your customers and potential customers, year after year, to the extent possible, which you should do to them by purchasing the domain first. You may find a Make Offer button on certain higher value domains but beware, expressing demand in a domain or visiting a URL usually raises its price. You can buy at the current price at any time, as long as you are first, and its still being offered for sale.

763649052907 seagate backup plus ultra slim 2tb srd00f1